The Good Life

What is the Good Life? How many of us pursue this?

GLP-Living-Creed-2.2 The Good Life

Business Launch

February 5, 2015

Mary-and-Ross-e1383360823837 Business Launch

In the 10,000 details of life I am helping my cool dude partner, Ross, launch a teaching and retreat business. It is called the Fieldwork School.  We will be sharing what we have found to be important in strengthening and healing our own personal energy field, as well as how to seek support and guidance from the larger field of Intelligence that we call the Unified Field.   During this time I find it important to flow in the cycle of inspiration and beingness (yin energy) to the other extreme of action and doingness (yang energy). If I spend too much time in either polarity, I am not happy. There are possibilities I haven’t been able to see before when I have been either too yin or too yang.  This is field work – keeping a flow between opposing energies and aligning with the larger Field of Intelligence.

Please visit our Fieldwork School and facebook page to check us out.

Mary’s Omega Balls

photo-10-copy Mary's Omega Balls

Ok I confess to being a chocolate lover. Seems like many of us need a healthy alternative to the standard chocolate offerings. Well I have come up with one that is a healthy raw yumfest for your taste buds and your body. This little nugget has pleased most everyone who has tried it.  It contains superfoods and raw ingredients. Can you tell which ones in the picture are rolled in shelled hemp seed versus coconut?

Many thanks to others who have paved the way before me with a version of this recipe.

Mary’s Omega Balls

Some type of protein powder and super greens powder. I have used these in the past.


Mix all ingredients except hemp seeds and shredded coconut in a food processor or mix with a mixer. At the very last add hemp seeds and shredded coconut until just blended. Roll into balls in additional shredded coconut or hemp seeds and put in refrigerator for several hours to harden. Best stored in refrigerator.